1 On 1 Coaching with Demetria Clark

Connection, Wealth and Mindset

Start Shaping Your New Life Today

Helping you to transform your money mindset.

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

Now is your time. Learn how your money mindset is blocking success and business growth. Learn how to break through barriers and expand on your personal and business offerings to maximize wealth and a healthy money mindset.

What is Money Mindset Coaching?

Break Patterns

Learn to break patterns and how you are actively working to limit your financial growth and development.

Learn how your money history affects your current and future success.

Your money past is not your money future unless you let it control you. You will learn to release sabotages to your success.

Learn to take ideas and transform them into your next adventure.

So many of us don’t get past the idea phase. Let me help you construct the pathway to implementation.

Learn to Fly!

Learn to take flight and believe in your success and how to make your life and business manageable and attainable.

How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?

You can’t leap without needing assurance that everything is perfect. You limit yourself. You are terrified of failure. You desire but don’t know how to share and make your goals work for you. 

I'm Afraid!

Fear is normal. It is healthy to have some fear. When we use fear to stop ourselves or others from achieving their goals then fear is owning the space. I can help you work through self-doubt and fear to achieve the success you are looking for.

I can't move until everything is perfect!

I can help you find beauty and grace every step of the way. Perfection doesn’t relate to wealth and success, action does. Let me help you find your action plan.

I'm not smart/pretty/adventurous/sexy/ in business.

You don’t have to be. Let me help you find your authentic customer base and audience. Learn how to attract clients that will allow you to flourish and grow and allow you to serve their needs.

I have enroll in a zillion courses, why is yours different?

Well, I didn’t just start this work as an internet trend. Tired of mindset coaches, business coaches, or trainers who have no real-world experience in business besides their course? I started an online business in 1996. I have never borrowed or used any family fund to fund any company I had; I know how to get it done and make it work.

Are you the same Demetria?

Yes, I am a best-selling author and run two widely successful online companies and work in property development and helping families find their forever homes. I am a lot like you, I have a few different passions, and I work to achieve my passions and goals.

My Approach

My approach is about joy. It is about having it all, loving your life and being a friend to yourself. 

I use the picture to the right, not because it is a “great” picture, or because it shows you how sophisticated or “classy” I am. It shows you who I am. I am someone who laughs a lot. I am someone who is practical and straightforward, I am real. I will be real with you.

My approach will be this for you. Real. Straightforward and practical. I want you to have all the world offers and I want you to have it for generations. My approach is to help you, but to also help you lay the foundation for intergenerational wealth.

Money Me Mindet

How It Works

Schedule a Connection Call

Schedule a connection call and learn what we can do in our work together.

Email or call and we can set up a time to connect.

Choose a Coaching Plan

Select a plan that works for you and enroll. We will connect with you and set up our communication schedule and how to help you navigate your goals.

Hit the Target! 

We will help you achieve your goals. With strategic goals, mentorship and mindset connection, we will help you achieve your goals and stay on target.

2 Week Coaching Package

2 weeks of intensive coaching and goals settings. We have daily check ins and accountability, and 4 scheduled calls. Includes enrollment in the Money.Me. Mindset program.


4 Week Coaching Package

Four weeks of intensive coaching and goals settings. We have daily check-ins and accountability and 8 scheduled calls. It can be 4 separate weeks over six months or a 4-week block and enrollment in the Money.Me.Mindset Program.


Money. Me.Mindset Course

Enroll in the Money. Me.Mindset course, take your money mindset to the next level, work through your money blocks, set goals, and learn how to control your next steps.


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